Friday, December 7, 2012

Worst board game EVER

I dont like it because the washes and blending didnt go well. To paint the picture we used watercolors. By using colored pencils after watercolor you could acheive good value and highlights. The perspective of the picture taken worked but I didnt do a very good job drawing it. If I did this project over I would add more shadows and pay more attention to the vanishing points. The difficult part of this project was trying to make your picture look more like the game and getting the gradation right. I learned that it sucks to draw board games because there is too many things that have to overlap and you have to make the things get smaller and darker twords the horizon.

Stencil truck

To make my regular photo into a stensil I had to adjust the positive and negetive space. To make the actual stensil we used Xacto Knives to cut out our shapes. For the background I wanted contrast between my dark truck and my sky. I used light colored spray paint to acheive this. The composition of my background was book pages. All of the book pages put together was a collage. We used photoshop to edit our pictures. I didnt have to change my threshold very much because my picture was already black and white. Positive and negative space was used to make the stencils by helping bring out the detail. When you use the Xacto Knife you have to be very careful. For example, always cut twords yourself or other people, run with the knife, see how sharp it is by licking the blade, and of course pass them to eachother by throwing them across the room... Just kidding, dont do any of that. I enjoted using the spraypaint and there was a lot of colors.