Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sketchy Things

When I began my drawing I used many different proceses. First I traced the different light and dark values so my picture would have character. After i had finished tracing I colored over the back of my paper with a pencil. Once you I finished this I put my tracing paper down in my sketch book and re-traced it. This left an outline of the face. Then you shade in and give the drawing character.

When I was drawing I found the different values by tracing them on the original photo. When you first traced them it looked really bad and weird. But once you get it all shaded it begins to look like a person.
Yes. I acheved full range of values by shading very dark on the sides and geting lighter as I got further on. In the places where the light was shining I shaded very lightly to give it a shiney look. I also had to shade in diffferent light and dark spaces in the hair.
I think my drawing came out pretty good. It was done pretty neatly but there are smudges. To make it a little neater I erased around it to clean it up some.

The only obsticle I really had any trouble with was the light spots. I had trouble with them because it was hard to get them to blend with the darks. They were also difficult because there were so many of them.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Me working on shading shapes

I think that my final peice turned out ok, I would have liked for my blending to be a little better but i did like the colors.
 I feel like this was pretty succesful for my first time doing anything like this. I feel like it was succesful becase my shapes were good and my colors worked good together.

 The things that worked on this project were my colors, my shapes, and the style of the project. 
 What did'nt  work for me was the blending the colors part of it, I had some trouble getting my colors to blend to gether.
 If I were to redo this project i would definately try and blend my colors better and i would also put my over lapping shapes in a different order to give it a better look.
The most difficult part for me was having to blend the colors. I just could'nt get it right. 
What I learned from this was that i like colored pencils alot more and that shapes are a pain in the butt.